unmatched stats and competitions

Manage Unmatched competitions. Log match results between two verified players. UMLeague provides the Unmatched fan community tools for managing competitive play and analyzing the results.

Congrats phantomx on winning Winter of champions 2024!

Finals weekend is here! Almost 1000 games played in 489 matches have culminated in four remaining players: two returning champions, one runner up, and a newcomer to the competitive scene. April 5 will see a rematch between zeroskatr12 and PhantomX - the Summer of Legends 2023 finals match up. Check out Winter of Champions 2024 for the latest results!

The matches will all be streamed on the Unmatched Tournament Twitch Channel

Join the UMLeague Ladder!

Sun's Origin has entered the arena! How will these feudal Japanese fighters hold up against the rest of the roster? Join Ladder Season 24

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The UMLeague bot will share match results and will facilitate some interactions around match result verification. The latest updates will be posted there as well. Be sure to join our server! UM League Discord