unmatched stats and competitions

Manage Unmatched competitions. Log match results between two verified players. UMLeague provides the Unmatched fan community tools for managing competitive play and analyzing the results.

Summer of Legends is Back!

New for 2024 - we're hosting two competitions: First is the Legends Division, an invitational that brings the best players in the world together to see see who will earn that Legend status!

We're also hosting an open Challenger division that welcomes players of all skill levels. Registration opens on August 23 and the competition kicks off August 30th. It's a great way to try out competitive Unmatched! Register here

Join the UMLeague Ladder!

How did we end up with 13 fighters? Crazy times in Season 30. Some eclectic picks for this month's roster. Check it out! Join Ladder Season 30

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Join our Discord!

The UMLeague bot will share match results and will facilitate some interactions around match result verification. The latest updates will be posted there as well. Be sure to join our server! UM League Discord